hot flashing amibios error message

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Trying to hot swap an amibios chip and all goes well till the end when I get error 20: flash rom cannot be properly programmed.......disable usb.
I have gone back in and disabled usb board option but still get same error. Any suggestions appreciated :?: :?
The UniFlasher
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What board are you using for flashing? What's the chip type? Have you tried UniFlash?
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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Sounds like a damaged flashrom or a flashrom not supported by the mainboard you are trying to flash the chip in
Please post the flashrom manufacturer and type and the identification amiflash gives
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Flashboard is k7s5a and chip is amibios 686 bl424967 out of a pc chips m817l board. The chip flashed on it's motherboard with this error and i flashed the k75sa chip from the k7s5a board with the m817l bios and installed it due to needing the computer for business purposes. Maybe I should try to flash original bios back on chip instead of ecs but due to both boards being pratically the same figured if one worked in the other I could correct this error and get the new ecs board working. I'm ready to build this board now and am trying to avoid buying a new chip. Flash utility is aminf 329and bios is 020429l.rom.
:) Thanks for any help G.Harper
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