PCChips 841 LMR does not recognize XP 1800+

Don't ask how to over-clock.
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FSB is set to 133 and memory speed is also 133 MHz, updated the latest bios, motherboard does not even beep. If I reset the CMOS and set the speed back to 100 Mhz the PCU is detected as a 1150Mhz processor, everything works fine.

This motherboard was working perfect and recognizing 1800+ XP before I did a bios update. I went back to the previous bios and its the same does not beep or even access the floppy drive... just nothing.

What is wrong here, the motherboard worked well, can some of the experts here help me. Thanks.
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Some have noticed that the +5v rail falls as the FSB is increased. Maybe your PSU isn't up to the job?
Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
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I have tried 3 other power supplies that are working with an XP1800 but no luck, changed the memory to Kingston and no luck. I know the motherboard is not bad because it works at 1150Mhz.
BIOS Bodhisattva
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zamby wrote:I have tried 3 other power supplies that are working with an XP1800 but no luck, changed the memory to Kingston and no luck. I know the motherboard is not bad because it works at 1150Mhz.
Have you tried any other 133 FSB processors ?
El cheapo dude
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Have you tried clearing CMOS completely? Might sound strange, but it has solved similar issues in the past.
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