This is what I got
Code: Select all
CBROM V2.15 (C)Award Software 2001 All Rights Reserved.
******** md5k11b.bin BIOS component ********
No. Item-Name Original-Size Compressed-Size Original-File-Name
0. System BIOS 20000h(128.00K) 1303Ah(76.06K) 6A7I0M4B.BIN
1. XGROUP CODE 0B5F0h(45.48K) 07CB8h(31.18K) awardext.rom
2. CPU micro code 03000h(12.00K) 02FB5h(11.93K) CPUCODE.BIN
3. ACPI table 039B7h(14.43K) 015AAh(5.42K) ACPITBL.BIN
4. EPA LOGO 0168Ch(5.64K) 0030Dh(0.76K) AwardBmp.bmp
5. YGROUP ROM 04910h(18.27K) 02EE6h(11.72K) awardeyt.rom
6. GROUP ROM[ 0] 03830h(14.05K) 01ACAh(6.70K) _EN_CODE.BIN
7. PCI ROM[A] 10000h(64.00K) 08D5Ch(35.34K) PXERPL.ROM
Total compress code space = 35000h(212.00K)
Total compressed code size = 2CC6Ah(179.10K)
Remain compress code space = 08396h(32.90K)
** Micro Code Information **
Update ID CPUID | Update ID CPUID | Update ID CPUID | Update ID CPUID
SLOT2 12 0F0A | SLOT2 28 0F12 | SLOT2 01 0F21 | SLOT2 08 0F23
SLOT2 0B 0F24 | SLOT2 03 0F13 | SLOT2 24 0F27 |
For testing I recompressed the unchanged 6A7I0M4B.BIN (using lha255) to rebuild the BIOS image.
This gives a filesize of 77881 bytes instead of 77882 in the original BIOS image.
Cutted off those 77881 bytes from the stripped BIOS image and flipped the first remaining byte (value should be 0x54) to 0xFF to retain the necessary length of 184263 bytes.
Next I copied the parts together with
- copy /b 6A7I0M4B.lzh+MD5k11B.bin neubios.bin

Code: Select all
CBROM V2.15 (C)Award Software 2001 All Rights Reserved.
******** neubios.bin BIOS component ********
No. Item-Name Original-Size Compressed-Size Original-File-Name
0. System BIOS FFFFFFFFh(-0.00K10000h(64.00K)
1. Other(A69D:8BF6) 20000h(128.00K) 13039h(76.06K) 6A7I0M4B.BIN
Total compress code space = 30000h(192.00K)
Total compressed code size = 23039h(140.06K)
Remain compress code space = 0CFC7h(51.94K)
** Micro Code Information **
Update ID CPUID | Update ID CPUID | Update ID CPUID | Update ID CPUID
SLOT2 12 0F0A |
Anyone can give me a hand and crosscheck that?
There is no need to do any changes to original.tmp.
Just decompress and recompress it using lha255, fix the size of the stripped BIOS image and put the parts together again.
Another thing I noticed was the following:
I used splitawd to extract all the modules (incl. 6A7I0M4B.BIN) from the original BIOS image.
This prog gives as well the compressed and the decompressed modules.
No prob to put the compressed 6A7I0M4B.BIN (00000000.BIN) back into the stripped BIOS again (though without the need to recompress it).
Do they probably keep some kind of (length) check sum in the very beginning of the BIOS so it gets messed up after a change?
Thanks ahead.