bios confusion

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I have a IBM netvista 8314 motherboard and the Intel utility tells me it is a 845GLVA chip and other bios software tells me it is a Pheonix Bios . My problem is that the sound support will not work for a PCI card or the onboard sound support. The PCI slots will let lan cards or modems work but if I put a sound card in the slot it will not even recognize it. In the CMOS setup system summary says "sound support disabled" But I can toggle the onboard sound on an off. I want to upgrade the BIOS but I don't know what to get or what I have. Can someone suggest what to do ? I am running Windows XP service pack 2. I have loaded correct drivers but I get a message "Driver not found restart and re-install software again" I beleive it is a Soundmax onboard sound pheripheral. Thanks in advance to all who reply!
The Hardware Archivist
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Drivers/bios for the 8314 motherboard: ... 42954.html

Manual: ... 42835.html

This should give you enough software/info to solve the issue.

Do not assume anything

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