32GB+: 01/28/1999 - i440BX-W977TF-2A69KJ1CC-00

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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The 3rd line on boot looks like this: V.7BXAN_2 C01 01-28-1999 and the last line on the boot screen looks like this: 01/28/1999 - i440BX-W977TF-2A69KJ1CC-00

Could any one point me the correct bios upgrade file and the flasher? Also I would need the step-by-step procedure for this upgrade. I am novice for this type of work.

Basically I need to upgrade to support large hard drives.

Would appreciate your helps.
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J1 = Jetway/Jetboard

Possibly Jetway J-7BXAN/J.

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Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
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Yes, the board is of Jetway. Even I have checked the www.Jetway.com.tw site for upgrade. They have of 08/17/1999 upgrade.

But, when I searched on google, I found another site of J-Mark Computer Corp. and they have upgrade of 08-17-2000 for J-7BXAN/BX and of 08-17-1999 for J-7BXAS/AN. File names for both of these are same - bxas2d01.bin.

Now, I am confused as which one is right???
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The J-Mark one http://www.j-mark.com/files/bxas2d01.bin is "08/12/1999-i440BX-W977TF-2A69KJ1CC-00" inside. So I think that it's the same file. It supports HDDs over 32GB - maybe upto 64GB.
This is 1mbit (128KB) BIOS - check what's printed on your Flash ROM chip (under stickers).
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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dear mr (or ms?) ashwini,

please confirm if u tried the upgrade , which one u tried and did it work?

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