60GB: 51-0201-001437-00111111-071595-M1531/43-001-10--H

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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this board is a clone of m575dma from pcchips.
retailer brand name is, topgun pentium mmx mainboard.
i´ve flashed it succsefully, bot the autodetect function in bios doesn´t work.
bios stopped, board hangs. only reset works.
if autodetect function is set to off, system boots after hdd is setting manually to the bios.
is there anything i´ve done wrong?


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Set the HDD parameters to AUTO/LBA.

If it works ok, don't worry about it.
Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
El cheapo dude
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You've just "hybridized" 2 PCCHIPS boards: the M575 and the M537DMA.... :)

Make sure you've really got the M575 (the only TXPRO with onboard sound).
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sorry in deed. yesterday i was a little bit confused. because all my old boards have each other problems.
the boboard is an M575 clone.
soupy, the bios is set to auto mode/lba.
but this doesn´t work.

El cheapo dude
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@gmc, you seem to have the 2/1998 BIOS. Why don't you try the 4/1999 release?
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@ ajzchips, i took the version from your homepage. is this the latest version?
El cheapo dude
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Yes it is. My mistake.
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40G hd cannot work on my M575 board with 990402 bios version.
PLS help me.
BIOS Bodhisattva
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It's an AMI BIOS. We can't patch it - it should support large HDD already, but it looks as though there is a problem.
http://www.stud.fernuni-hagen.de/q39981 ... 02034.html discusses manual entry of parameters.
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HDD should have printed parameters for Cylinder/Head/Sector on it - enter these and enable LBA

Worked for me with M571 + 5/99 Bios and Seagate 40GB
El cheapo dude
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My "famous" friend (see the link NickS provided) with the M575 now has a 120GB HDD connected to it. Pure BIOS support; no drive overlay software.
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