Firstly my relevant specs
80GB IBM Deskstar
Bios ID = 52-0702-001437-00101111-071595-000000
mobo= pcchips M599LMP
From the above details I have downloaded the flash program and new bios file from Pcchips. No problem yet.
The problem that i'm finding is that every website that tells you how to flash requires a boot disk. As i have windows 2000, I cant do this so what do i have to do to be able to flash the bios, and in turn utilise all of my hd and not 32gb.
Any help much appreciated
80GB: 52-0702-001437-00101111-071595-00 PCChips M599LMP
You can download bootdisk self-extracting images at
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere