80GB: Asus P5A-B-00

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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Award Bios - Award Modular BIOS v4.51 PG
Award ID String - 08/18/1999-ALADDIN5-P5A-B-00
Board/BIOS Version ASUS P5A-B ACPI BIOS Revision 1007.A
Chip - Aladdin ALi M1543C

I hope someone can help me figure this out - the new 80GB hard drive isn't recognized when booted and it's connected as slave. Attempted to connect as master and machine hangs up - won't boot at all. Discovered I probably need new BIOS to make it work. Found 1011.005 from ASUS after reading about similar situations on the forum. Followed procedures using ASUS' AFLASH - wouldn't work. Tried using UNIFLASH - received message "File size does not match flash ROM chip size". I'm at a loss as what to do next. Can someone please direct me to a solution?

Thanks in advance.
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with or without sound?

ftp://ftp.asuscom.de/pub/ASUSCOM/BIOS/S ... I_V/P5A-B/

DOn't try to flash the bios for the P5A you have a P5A-B

P5A has a 256kB Flash
P5A-B has a 128 KB Flash

regards Jan
for 32 GB+ Bios look here

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I don't know about the sound - but I'll find out (this is a computer I use at school for marking and report cards)when I get back to it. The files you directed me to seem promising. Thanks very much for your help. I'm assuming you're in Europe somewhere - I'm in Canada - not all of our cows are mad - Have a good day eh!
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