HDD 40GB with BF6 Bios award 6.00PG BEH_SH. Is it good ?

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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My bios AWARD v.6.00 PG is dated 06/21/2000.
I have flashed 2 years ago my Abit BF6 with the BEH_SH bios upgrade.

Is it ok for more than 33.8 GB on the IDE controler of the 440BX chipset ?

If yes, what is the upper limit then ?

64 Gb, 128 GB ?

Thx for any answer. :wink:
El cheapo dude
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There have been several new updates ever since your release, the last of which is dated 12/2001, so it should natively support upto 128GB.
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