Help hard drives not recognized

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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:( Help hard drive not recognized.
Starting two days ago my computer no longer recognizes either hard drive in the box. I have a AZZA motherboard, AMD 800 CPU, WIN XP Pro OS. "C" drive is a Maxtor 20GB which has been in the machine for over a year with no problems. The second hard drive is a Seagate 60GB which I installed three weeks ago. Up until two days ago the system was working fine, now I can not get the bios to see the drives and the system will not boot. Although, the bios does see the two CD drives. I have swapped the IDE cable out and attempted to have the bios Auto detect the drives but it made no difference. Any Ideas???
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Does the drives spin up ?
Tried to test only one hdd with the second one disconnected ?
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