Dead MB after changing CPU clcock Multiplier

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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last night ( not knowing anything about OC!! I set the clock multiplier on my asus A7V-133 with the thunderbird 1.13 (266) to I think 9.0 instead of the default 8.5 or 8.5 instead of 8.. then I exited and saved .

instantlyafterthat the bios restartedand since then itjust wont go through the post test.. all I get , is a black screen. I tried removing the battery and even tried the jumper switches to set it back to 8.5 but nothing has changed.. plz help me ASAP ,and don't tell me my Processor is toast! I have never even touched it before.. why did I do it!!

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Ok thanks for those who helped :evil:

I thought I would let you know how I solvd the problem:

I was originally in jumper free mode, then during my trials to solve the problem I set things manually but nothing worked.. I left it there for almost a day and then got the hint from someone to try to switch it back to jumper free mode and that's where my system wokred again , but mind you though that when I switched it back and it wokred I had my memory removed as well as part of another test, so actually it is when the system started beeping looking for memory , that I knew that if I put it back the system would actually boot normally.

and it did 8O .
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