hotswap KV7 via NF7-S help

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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I need to Hot swap the EPROM from a KV7 mobo (Abit) to a NF7-S (Abit). This is not the first time I do the trick. I have done it succesfully in the past for my self and for friends.
AN8X-D :arrow: A7V8X (via aflash)
AN8X-D rev2 :arrow: AN8X-D rev1.04 (via awdflash /F)
I have also tried Uniflash on an MSI flashing a Chaintech.
Now i cann t do the trick. Both roms are 4Mbit. The one on NF-7S is PMC pm49LF004T /5V (flash type). The one on KV7 is not known as i cann t POST it.
I tried AWDflash 8.23K & 8.24F and triend the switches /F /QI /tiny always with /py /sn... no go. Unkown flash type messenge. (the disk is fine, and not readonly. All in CAPS, binary etc).
I also tried uniflash 1.33 but it doesn t even give me the option to flash. It says "unknown flash chip" or something like this +Flash Protection maybe on?". The only option i got clearing the CMOS.
Should i first run uniflash and then switching the chips, and then flashing? so it can be recognized saccesfully :?:
Please help me I don want to RMA.
I m thinging very seriously flashing via WinFlash... Will it succed?
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Ok i tried Winflash 1.3, 1.51 & compination executable from 1.51 with sys version of winflash of Abit's Flashmenu. None worked. I Found cks of rom to be 8A2Bh with Awdflash. I tried again uniflash this time hot swapping the roms after recognization of NF7 rom. But locks while flahing agian. Maybe its unlocking via chipset function. Any ideas?
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