Hi all,
and yes, the nb (5 years, the last 2 in a 'deep sleeping mode') is dead. W95 without hardware errors.
After a flash with original ugbiosfe.exe the screen stay black, only a short floppy action (bootloader, 1s).
I've tried all well known names for the bios file, boot floppy
with autoexec.bat (ugbiosfe /s bios.bin - from the Siemens Hotline)
- no sucess.
Time is to short to read the image, floppy sounds like a short search.
Phoenix NoteBios 4.xx I believe. Bios chip is a AM29F002T.
What can I do? Using a other flashtool (uniflash)?
Siemens Mobile 700 Bios recover
Phoenix BIOSes require special recovery disk. I've seen a utility (crisisdisk.bat, makeboot.exe and some other things) to create it included with some Daewoo BIOS (I have it somewhere).
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
Sounds not so bad. How can I get the necassary disk/files?
Or a example to create by myself.
I've ask the german hotline for the CRISIS Disk,
but I get no answer. Google has also not found something about.
Rainbow, if possible please look for the disk you have.
Or a example to create by myself.
I've ask the german hotline for the CRISIS Disk,
but I get no answer. Google has also not found something about.
Rainbow, if possible please look for the disk you have.
Sent. Be sure to replace the BIOS image inside with BIOS for your computer before using it.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere