PC Chips m720 mobo WON'T run Win2K !

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That's my contention. Still, i'd like to be proven wrong.
This P2-2 board is only worth $20Can now. So solving the puzzle is only a curiosity thing.
AFAIK, Win2K chokes on the most recent bios ( '99) from PC Chips. SuSE Linux 7.1 installed only after feeding the boot parameter: "nohlt".The board performed acceptably running W98. Never tried to run dual processors, so that's not the snag. Unless the APIC accommodation likes being a PITA even when you're trying to run single-cpu.
Anyone, please:
1. How have you made this board run Win2k ?
2. The Amptron mobo P2-2200B appears to be the identical board, relabelled. And Amptron provides for that board a bios-update (04/10/2000).
a. Does that board run Win2K with that bios ?
b. Has anyone fed this bios to the m720 and got Win2K to work that way?
The Hardware Archivist
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win2k wants quite stringent timing of the memory, something PC Chips boards are not very good at to begin with.

Not sure why you want it to run win2k either.

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Thanks for reply, edwin.
Couple days after posting, I found a rich vein of discussion of the m720 in the PCChips Lottery BBS. So I'm a little better informed than I was before. Lots of folks reported they were running, or had run, both Win2k and Win XP on this board. Damned if I know how that '99 bios supports 'em !
Anyway, while it seems a substantial number did get Win2k and Win XP to run, there was also lots of anguish from problems with video, APIC, power management, and just plain unexplainable flakiness.
So not having yet found someone with a list of m720 pitfalls-to-avoid, I think I may follow one fellows good idea on the BBS described above: solved all his problems by removing the board and setting it afire !
That or give it to someone I don't like much !
Thanks for the tip on memory timing, edwin. This newbie will study on that.
Why Win2k ? I like it. Been very reliable. Not so Win98. Also, not so WinXP, say my profi pals. They tell me to give XP a pass. Finally, while I am really optimistic, I haven't yet got Debian via a Knoppix install to support my modem and scanner. When I have that, I'll move to Linux and wave 'bye to M$.
Tschus !
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