I need a new Bios for my Luckystar K7VAT+ Board installed

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My System:

CPU: AMD Athlon, 1000MHz
Chipset: VIA Apollo KT133 PCI Chipset
Memory: 256 MB SDRAM
Main BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PGN
Main BIOS ID String: 10/12/2000-8363-686B-6A6LML1CC-00
BIOS date: 10/12/00
Video Adapter : NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro
audio: Soundblaster

For some serious reasion i need a biosupgrade, i got the Via Sound(blaster) bug, which means the system will always hang up, if i install an audio driver, if it is removed or deaktivated everything is ok, but no sound, onboard sound doesn't help either! And i tried 2 different soundblaster cards, so bios upgrade is vital!

But there are two problems...

First, on the luckystar websites there are two bin files for the k7vat model, and i don't know which i should take

Second, if i try to flash the bios, i got an error message it does not mach with my system, i can only flash with the old bios, and that doesn't change anything, maybe there is something i do wrong?

I'm using the awardflash.exe v7.41 and tried the k7vatsb2.bin and k7vatsa6.bin bios files on it, and got only the same errors!!!

these files are all downloadet from the lucky star website

I need some serious help in that, please geht me a hint!


The UniFlasher
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There are some BIOSes at http://www.lucky-star.com.tw/pub/Bios/m ... 62/K7vatp/. The k7vazsa2.bin is same as your BIOS. The other two appears be for another board version.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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Tried latest VIA 4in1 driver ?
Tried different PCI-Slots for Soundcard ?

Has OnBoard Sound the same problem ?
When installing the Soundblaster are all Biossetings for OnBoard Sound deactivated ? > OnBoard Sound or AC97 Sound / Midi port or Game Port / Soundblaster or Soundblaster for DOS ?
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thx rainbow!

it seems the new bios version does it, no hang up's anymore

of course i tried everything, via drivers, bios setup configurations, different soundcards and the soundchip only alone

it just was only the bios! :roll:
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