AT7 - cant access bios

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I’m in desperate need of assistance.
After I RMA my AT7 back to abit due to a faulty nic I had some problem saving my changes in the bios but it could be done after several times of clearing the CMOS after that I haven’t had the need to go into the Bios but to day when I tried to access the bios it just froze
After a couple of more tries of clearing the CMOS and upgrading the Bios to the latest version changing the placement of the RAM pulling out the fans, let it stand unplugged to the power outlet for several hours all I’m meet by when I press the DEL key to access the bios is a black screen with an blue one cm thick line at the bottom and a cursor blinking at the top…

The computer works just fine if I press F1 and boot up Winxp a little slower maybe and the cpu aint as warm as it used to be… at least something positive ;)

Btw… I can access the raid part by Ctrl+H just fine

My set up:

Cpu Athlon 2000xp
Liteon cdrw
Liteon dvd
Point of view g4
Pc 2700 256mb Samsung RAM
Seagate Barracuda 4, 80Gb
Sundblaster Live
350 Watts PSU

Any ideas?
The UniFlasher
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Usually a fan or USB device problem. Not uncommon for Abit boards...
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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Yupp you're right it was my cpu fan that messed my bios up
It was one of those enermax fans with an little knob so u can adjust the fan speed... but on the plus side I was able to lower my cpu temp by 5 degres celcius :D
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