Problem Flashing 6vba-133 AWARD Bios

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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I tried to flash the Bios from an old 6vba-133 Mobo... It is an AWARD bios, MX 29F002NTPC-12
The bios version was vba-2aa2.
The problem I had was that the Bios was not recognizing a new WD 40GB drive.

So, I went to SOYO site, downloaded AWDFlash.exe and the latest update for the bios VBA-2bab.bin
Created the Win98SE boot disk, and on another diskette placed the two files for flashing the Bios

Booted the computer, and when the flashing process started, in the second row I got write fail errors... And when I restarted the computer.. yes, you guessed right... ROM BIOS CHECKSUM ERROR...

Searching the web, I read about UNIFLASH, so I downloaded it, and ran it in the computer (It still let´s me boot with a diskette), but when UNIFLASH starts, it doesn´t recongnize the Flash Bios, so it doesn´t let me update it...

I see a message that asks me to make sure if the Bios is not write-protected, but I have searched in the manual, and I don´t see anywhere if it says that this mobo has such thing as a FLASH WRITE PROTECT jumper...

Can anyone give me a hint on what to do?
Would the only solution be a hot flashing using Uniflash?

Thanks :)

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Is a "downgrade" possible? I tried with the backup .bin file I created before upgrading, but I get a message telling me that the actual version is newer...
And also I suspect that the .bin file for the 2aa2 is corrupt...

If it is possible to downgrade... could anyone tell me how, and tell me where to find the old firmware?
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Are you tried to clear CMOS?
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Yes.. I tried clearing CMOS with the jumper, also tried unplugging unnecesary devices (network card, CDROM, even HD)

Everytime I try to flash again with the AWDFLASH program downloaded from SOYO, I get the UNKNOWN FLASH TYPE message, and then I use the AWDFL790 version, and it goes through the process (only when I flash with 2bab version) but gives me all write fail errors...

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Uniflash should have a command line parameter to force the Flashrom ID - AFAIK it's Uniflash -forece + a 4-hex ID number. Try Uniflash /? or -? for more options.
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Can you send me a copy of your original BIOS file?
I haven't any vba-2aa2.bin file in my database.
Known BIOS for 6VBA133: ... Y-6VBA133/
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Denniss... Where do I get the 4 digit ID from????

Kuriaki: tell me how to send you the file, and no problem.. Only thing to consider is that in one of the times I tried to use to restore the original firmware, I got an error message like the file had been copied on a bad cluster or something similar...

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I found the way to know the 4 digit ID Stamp... The problem is that this model of BIOS does not appear in the chiplist...

The model is MX29F002NTPC-12

The closest I see is MX29F002(N)T

I tried force flashing with that code, but it gave me errors....

Is there a way I can find the 4 digit for my Bios model?

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jprealini wrote:Kuriaki: tell me how to send you the file, and no problem..
Look at my profile.
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Since AWARD Flash managed a flash, I don't think this is the problem, but check also in BIOS Setup (if you can currently get in) for the write protect setting. Sometimes it is on the physical board - sometimes a BIOS setting.
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I have the same problem

I tried to flash the Bios from an old 6vba-133... It is an AWARD bios, MX 29F002NTPC-12
The bios version was vba-2aa5.
The problem I had : the Bios was not recognizing a new second Hitachi 80GB drive.
I downloaded AWDFlash.exe and the latest update for the bios VBA-2bab.bin

With awdflash 8.22 (from Soyo site) -> I get the UNKNOWN FLASH TYPE message (I have the same with awdflash 8.23k)
With Awdflash 8.60b (from ECS) -> FLASH TYPE MX 29F002NTPC-12 (Macronix 29F002NTPC-12 2Mb Flash)
But I have 70 % bad write fail errors -> after, start only With a floppy to rerun Awdflash

I try uniflash, but the result is also "write fail errors" and UNKNOWN FLASH TYPE

My tempory solution is

Program a 27C2001 EPROM (same capacity) with a eprom programmer (the file VBA-2bab.bin is OK)
I put this EPROM in the same place of the MX 29F002NTPC-12 and it is OK

First nieuw schreen is autodetect processor, memory, HDD,
Do not start normaly with pentium II 233 or 266 Mhz (OK above 300 Mhz)
detect Hitachi 80 Gb but give a incorect capacity (82 Mb)
Work normaly

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