Looking for bios version 1206 for M6VBE-A

APM/ACPI BIOS questions
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Hi !
I have a Biostar M6VBE-A ver 1.1 (693A/596B).
I use it to run FreeNas (based on FreeBSD). The board ran correctly under version 1206 (from 12th June 1999) but I wanted support for dirives larger than 32GB.
Therefore, I installed, in succesion the following 2 firmware versions: 0407a (29th Nov. 1999) and 0727a (27th July 2000). Both upgrades went without errors and I can see larger drives now (80GB) but both introduced a problem with the network interface because of some ACPI compatibility issue.
messages like: "dc0: watchdog timeout" or "rl0: watchdog timeout" are shown on the console (depending on which model network card I'[ve inserted). the cards can get an address via DHCP but further on are unable to pass any traffic or even ping successfully unless I disable completely ACPI when booting FreeBSD. Obviously, I tried different cards, different PCI slots, disabled every perpheral I did not need (parallel port, serialport, etc, but with noluck. I would now prefer to downgrade to the initial version (1206), but I can't find it anywhere. Please help.
The Hardware Archivist
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well maybe reinstall FreeNAS with ACPI support this time? Sounds like you recycled your old install

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