Trying to revive old motherboard for youngest daughter.

APM/ACPI BIOS questions
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We are trying to revive a motherboard that a friend was discarding. It came from a Tiny Machine of some sort.

When all cabled up power on normally does nothing. No beep no LED no nothing. I can sometimes coax it into life by removing a link near the CMOS battery. Sometimes this just powers up LED on. Putting the link back goes onto the next phase single Beep and I get a BIOS screen. Have yet to establish any consistency in all this. At one stage with the link totally removed it would power up and down goto BIOS screen as required.

When it is pursaded to work the BIOS says AMIBIOS 10/08/99
A618301 V1.3 101199

and at the bottom of screen

It also often says CMOS NPVD Checksum error.

On the times it was behaving normally there was no CMOS errors.

Any Ideas. Thanks
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MSI MS-6183
Manual (PDF)

clear the cmos by setting the jumper and set it back to normal position, replace the battery, boot that baby, go to bios, load default settings and quit saving
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Already tried replacing the battery and saving default bios settings. But that does not resolve the problem.
The Hardware Archivist
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Could be a bad keyboard or a bad powersupply. Also this board is in the risk zone for this effect:

Do not assume anything

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