How can I flash NIC Realtek RTL8139 ?

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Hello everyone,

I have 2 Network Interface cards (PCI Lan card) Realtek RTL8139 chipset. I want these 2 NIC cards to use same Mac Address. How can I do this? How can I flash this chipset?

Please suggest me step by step. I apologize for my bad English skill.
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you might try Uniflash. supported hardware page states "PCI/AGP Cards with specific support in UniFlash: RTL8139 series."
if you're skilled you can directly connect a programmer to the serial eeprom which keeps the mac address (should be something like 93LC46).
besides...two cards with the same mac address...i hope you know what you're doing!
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Hi Mr.cp,

can you tell me the way to create a .rom file or the way to edit the old rom file.

Best regards,
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according tothis post the mac adress is saved in the serial eeprom attached to the 8139 @ byte position 15-20 (little endian wordwise). just raw copy the contents of one eeprom, alter the mac adress with a hex editor (sorry, don't know anything about possible crc) and copy the altered file into the other eeprom. et voila..there you are with two nics having the same mac adress. again...i don't really the the point in having two nics with the same mac adress. there actually IS a reason why mac adresses are unique.
El cheapo dude
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@onemorechance, mind telling us the purpose for this? We're always eager to learn more...
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