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[Off-topic] I'd love some help with Wi-Fi extenders

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 4:53 pm
by Andrew92
Hi, this is pretty off-topic but I wanted to ask if anyone here has experience with Wi-Fi extenders? I've been looking to get one currently and I could really use some help from others who are more versed than me. This purchase would mainly be to hook up my PC that's in my garage which is a ways off from the main house. Other than this it would be highly appreciated if you could tell me about what else I need to set this up!

I've been doing research and going over the options from buyer's guides.

It seems helpful but I think I'd still prefer to hear from someone with firsthand experience about what to take under consideration as well as any potential recommendations that you may have. It'd help me out a lot.

Again, sorry for the off-topic post. I was welcomed to this forum very nicely, just trying my luck.