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Award Bios Update Help
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 9:49 am
by CADalyst
I have an old seanix that I have been delegated to set up for a file server but have no luck finding upgrades as the bios was flashed with wrong manufactuter bios.
This is a seanix yukon P54C board with award bios ..
Any and all updates would be greatly appreciated..
Thanks for you valuable time...
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 11:32 am
by NickS
Hi CADalyst
- It is flashed with the wrong BIOS but you have the ID for the correct BIOS ?
- Does the wrong BIOS work OK ? Maybe someone found a BIOS which would work with that board (a last-resort fix when there is no update from the real manufacturer).
- Have you emailed their tech support ?
- As a side issue, I assume you're going to throw some old drives into this box as surely no-one would build a file server with new (ATA-100) drives on a motherboard which must be lucky to support UDMA-33 ?
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 8:56 pm
by CADalyst
Thanks for your reply. The bios number I got from our specs sheet. We did a system check on all systems we picked up and wrote them down for this kind of situation. But that is the bios I need. It is already full of old hard drives from other older systems we had laying around. Thanks for the concern though. Could have saved someone lots of money on new hard drives unnessarily.
Thanks again. Still no luck on bios though. Contacted manufacturer but no response. Typical

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 1:50 pm
by NickS
I have found manuals for Yukon (2A5IDSAA) and Yukon 2 (2A5IDSAB) so far with the 5511 chipset. The Yukon 2 manual says "Designed and manufactured in Canada by ATL", whereas the Yukon manual says "Designed and manufactured in Canada by Seanix".
Update: ATL was Arvida, Seanix was their parent company.
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 3:20 pm
by NickS
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 6:11 pm
by NickS
Whoops, there are two BIOSes with the same ID, one for WinBond I/O and the one I posted for 787 I/O.

Please check your I/O.
Check out the options at the
Arvida download page
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:19 pm
by CADalyst
Yep..most definetely..
You Da "Man..I should have come here first. I wouldnt have wasted hours looking

I checked the mb and it is a winbond chip on board. Cant thank you enough. If the manual you found is downloadable that would be appreciated also even though its for the Yukon 2 (2A5IDSAB).
My mb is the one Designed and manufactured in Canada by ATL.
Thanks again MikeS. Your time is appreciated...
Re: woohoo
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 10:44 pm
by NickS
CADalyst wrote:Yep..most definetely..
You Da "Man..I should have come here first. I wouldnt have wasted hours looking

I checked the mb and it is a winbond chip on board. Cant thank you enough. If the manual you found is downloadable that would be appreciated also even though its for the Yukon 2 (2A5IDSAB).
My mb is the one Designed and manufactured in Canada by ATL.
Thanks again MikeS
(sic). Your time is appreciated...
The V2 manual is available at the Seanix website, Enjoy!
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 5:02 am
by CADalyst
Damn... sorry about that Nick.

I credited the wrong person.
I should read more carefully.
NickS is Da Man...Much Appreciated