MoBo Lucky Star only recognise 128 Mb instead of 512 Mb Why?
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:32 am
please help me!. You're the only ones who can help me!
I've just added a 512 Mb DIMM Pc133 ram in the last empty slot for ram. In the others two i already had two 128 Mb ram memories. They work fine and they are recognized. But the last one i've added is not recognized, or i should say it's recognized in part. The pc only recognise 128 Mb instead of 512Mb!!!
How could it happen?
Here you are my BIOS details and MoBo ones:
2A69KL1AC-00 Award BIOS number
MOD./Vers. del BIOS: 6ABX2V-G0
motherboard: Lucky Star Apus 6ABX2V/Crus 6AZX2V
ID motherboard 12/21/1999-i440BX-W977-2A69KL1AC-00
BIOS Type: Award
BIOS Date: December 21st 1999
BIOS ID: 12/21/1999-i440BX-W977-2A69KL1AC-00
Chipset: Intel 440BX/ZX rev 3
SuperIO: Winbond 977EF rev 4 at port 03F0
Manufacturer: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Would a BIOS update work fine? How do i update my BIOS without any mistake?
please help me!. You're the only ones who can help me!
I've just added a 512 Mb DIMM Pc133 ram in the last empty slot for ram. In the others two i already had two 128 Mb ram memories. They work fine and they are recognized. But the last one i've added is not recognized, or i should say it's recognized in part. The pc only recognise 128 Mb instead of 512Mb!!!
How could it happen?
Here you are my BIOS details and MoBo ones:
2A69KL1AC-00 Award BIOS number
MOD./Vers. del BIOS: 6ABX2V-G0
motherboard: Lucky Star Apus 6ABX2V/Crus 6AZX2V
ID motherboard 12/21/1999-i440BX-W977-2A69KL1AC-00
BIOS Type: Award
BIOS Date: December 21st 1999
BIOS ID: 12/21/1999-i440BX-W977-2A69KL1AC-00
Chipset: Intel 440BX/ZX rev 3
SuperIO: Winbond 977EF rev 4 at port 03F0
Manufacturer: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Would a BIOS update work fine? How do i update my BIOS without any mistake?