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Uniwill P53IN motherboard issues

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:12 pm
by kountzero
Hi guys, need some help here

Have a motherboard here that is exibiting the same symptoms as this AW on youtube

It seems to have a split personality as it is a phoenix bios but the crisis disk option to start the mode is CTRL & Home :?
I had the 4bit colour issue with the AW .07w bios so rolled back to the 2.06w which cured it. However the next day it started doing the beep/reboot thing in the clip.

My assumption is it is a bad flash but crisis recovery seems to make no difference, just some bios versions do not give the muted repeated beep after the initial one.
I have done the usual swap ram, cpu, no hdd or dvd & pcie checked gfx card in another machine but all are good.

Is there a .cfg file format that can be used in conjunction with phlash16 to pass the command line switches? particularly /C Clear cmos and /Z zero block before erase.

Many Thanks

Re: Uniwill P53IN motherboard issues

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:47 am
by edwin
It seems you have tried fitting a 3650 in there, maybe that was a bit too much strain for the board... Alienware tech support of no help?