62-0725-000000-00101111-071595-V694V686 please help

How-to identify your motherboard ?
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Sorry for my english
Please help me to identify this old MoBo. Bios string is
There is socket370 motherboard on VIA chipset. Here is 5xPCI, 1xISA, AGP and AMR.
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One more information: there is a string "A6309MS V1.7 072500"
Maybe it's MicroStar MS-6309 but when I look on Microstar web site, I can't find my board. It's similar to 6309 but look little different, the power supply is in the other place and the CMOS battery is "vertical", not laying on the board

Similar look some gigabyte and Tekram S3 MoBos
The UniFlasher
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It is really MSI MS-6309 board. The latest BIOS is v1.9 http://www.msi.com.tw/program/support/b ... ME=MS-6309. It's "A6309MS V1.9 110801".
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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http://www.msi.com.tw/program/products/ ... EL=MS-6309

It has a V1.7 Bios listed and 1.9 as the newest - all other boards of the MS6309 family have higher Biosnumbers .
Check your Board for a MS-6309 Ver:1.0 marking

Is this a retail board or from Fujitsu-Siemens Gateway or similar system builders ?
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Thanks a lot for quick help!!
Really, I found (under some stickers:) ) inscriptions "Ver.1.0", "N19 96" and finally... MS-6309!!!
I don't know is it Fujitsu... etc. or not, I buy it from "second hand"
one more question:
Where I can find audio drivers?
The UniFlasher
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Download the latest VIA 4-in-1 driver package, it should include audio drivers http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=2.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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Speedy wrote:Thanks a lot for quick help!!
Really, I found (under some stickers:) ) inscriptions "Ver.1.0", "N19 96" and finally... MS-6309!!!
I don't know is it Fujitsu... etc. or not, I buy it from "second hand"
one more question:
Where I can find audio drivers?
Some Fujitsu/Siemens ranges used standard consumer motherboards. The professional Fujitsu ranges were generally custom made, usually by Acer.
Tested patched BIOSes. Untested patched BIOSes.
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