6A6LM PR9C-00

How-to identify your motherboard ?
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Can you help me identify my motherboard manufacturer :?:
The Hardware Archivist
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Vtech/PcPartner which seem to be bought by Supergrace. All of them are using the "V3" and "PR" identifiers on their boards.

As for the model, check the top surface of your board for a 35-xxxx-xx marking somewhere and reply with that. A description of layout, form factor and CPU location would help too. Picture uploaded to a webpage somewhere would be ideal.

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PC Partner VIA Apollo KT133 or KT133A board. http://www.pcpartner.com/bios/viabios.htm#kt133. There are 3 types of BIOSes with the same ID so you really have to look at the 35-xxxx board ID.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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My Model Code no. is 35891100XX.

with thanks, :wink:
The Hardware Archivist
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