I have a system here and ran many diags to find out the maker of the MB so I can upgrade the BIOS. So far no luck!
I am hope someone out there will be able to shed some light to this mystery MB!
It is a AMI BIOS or so it says and the code I have is as follows:
Information from the AGENT BIOS Program:
BIOS Type: American MegaTrends
BIOS Date: 07/15/95
OEM Sign-On: Release 09/14/1998S
ChipSet: SIS 5600 Rev 17
I have gone to a few site and came up with emty information.
The kind scholar whom finds this trivial infomation out I own you something for the good deed! If possable please let me know how you found it only if you like to share.
Look forward to the replies.
Not sure of the Mother Manufacture..This is puzzeling
Looks like PC Chips M747. See here http://go.to/th2
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
Wow, this is the fast reply i've seen yet...Rainbow wrote:Looks like PC Chips M747. See here http://go.to/th2
You the person..Help me out a lot....
Many, many thanks, Fly