Hi, I should update the AMI bios of an HP A1425.it Desktop with RC410-M motherboard, since I have never done this type of operation and I'm a little confused (sorry) I would like to update it in DOS with Floppy Disk, the bootable floppy l 'I have already created it with the .ROM file inside, at this point I only need the application to run in DOS, my question is whether there is software for all types of Motherboards and Bios, or for each type of motherboard and Bios you need a dedicated AFUDOS, and how to understand which type of version is the right one.
And what happens if I use the wrong version of AFUDOS?
Considering that on this PC I installed XP, but since I also practice on much older computers if there was a standard procedure for the various BIOSes
I hope the English translation is correct