Writing from Sweden and english is not my native lang så i hope you try to understand what i write as hard as try to write it correct

I just bought my self a new mobo. A Soltek SL-75FRN-L
It's a nForce2 mobo with Award BIOS
It has intigrated LAN. AC97 sound.
I got a problem with it and the problem is that the integrated LAN not working correct.
And the RedStorm oc that is on the screen in POST is not seen anyware i BIOS
I visit Soltek on the web and downloaded awdflash and BIOS nr 75frnl13.bin.
My original BIOS was n75fnl12.bin and the one i downloded is newer.
I Picked up an old msdos 6.22 and formattet a new diskett with /s
Copyed awdflash and the new BIOS file to that diskette.
I'm not fond of flashing BIOS with all the /sn and stuff in the command line
I typed wrong once and after that i flash the hard way with typing y in the right place in the time.
Everything looked great and no errors
After the flash was done i hit the F3 to reboot but the computer was dead. :-/
I had another mobo at home så i hotswapped and reflashed with the same floppy and took the original BIOS file i saved on the floppy when i flashed the first time.
Hit F3 and viola. I was back in biz.

And now for the questions:
1. Any of ypu guys herd of foulty bios file from Soltek?
2. The bios file comes zip'ed and was downloaded.
Is there a tool for checking upp the *.bin before flashing
3. Can you BIOS PRO rekomend a program to open *.bin and edit them?
4. The RedStorm OC feature is new for me.
Is ther a way to activate it are is it just missing on my mobo?
Tanks in advance