A bit of hand holding and idiot proof bios flashing info

Discusses BIOS flashers and utilities from Award, AMI and Uniflash
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My motherboard= MS6119 ver1.1 BX2
My Bios = AMIBIOS ver 1.16

Have fitted an existing 27GB H.D. as master but PC is only recognising it as 7.82. I believe bios upgrade would help to overcome this problem.
Down loaded AMIBIOS update from Microstar's website 'AMI ver 1.3'. Opened this exe. file which extracted several other files, A619c313.txt , Flash.doc , A619c313.rom , and Amifl814.exe.
This is where my PC knowledge starts failing. What do I do next ?. I need someone to hold my hand and explain in idiot terminology what to do, word for word, from here. Do I create a floppy ?, or just double click this flash.exe file ?. I've read the FAQ's but because the info doesn't match that of my system i.e. what to type at what place, I'm a bit worried at messing up and would rather have more info relating to my system before I start.

All help would be much appreciated

BIOS Bodhisattva
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Location: Thames Valley, UK

Does neither the .doc nor the .txt tell you how to do it ?
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Hi Nicks
Yes there is information in the .doc that explains the procedure but I am not too confident with the process and quite frankly the info loses me a bit, so I was hoping that someone would kindly hold my hand (so as to speak) and explain word for word in 'idiot' terms how to go about it.
If it helps below I have pasted the info from the .doc file.


Note1: This BIOS is a Plug 'n Play BIOS, and has to be used with SST or Winbond
Flash Memory. If this BIOS is programmed in EPROM or other brands of
Flash Memory (not SST nor Winbond), there will be a problem with Windows
95 RESTART function.

Note2: If your on-board BIOS is AMI BIOS and you want to program the Award BIOS
file into the on-board BIOS, you must use the "AMI" flash utility
(i.e.: AMIFL530.COM, AMIFL620.COM).

Note3: If your on-board BIOS is Award BIOS and you want to program the AMI BIOS
file into the on-board BIOS, you must use the "AWARD" flash utility
(i.e.: AWDFL52B.EXE, AWDFL534.EXE ).

How to use the AMI FLASH Utility

This utility is used to program a new BIOS into a Flash memory. You have to
make sure first that the BIOS installed in your mainboard is Flash memory,
and not EPROM.

1. Turn on your computer.

2. Boot up clean, bypassing your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.

3. Then, run the AMI FLASH UTILITY file.


The programming screen will be shown. At the bottom of the screen, the
following message will appear:

Press "Y" to Continue, "N" to Reboot

Press "N" if you do not want to continue programming the new BIOS.

Press "Y" if you want to continue programming the new BIOS. The new BIOS
will then be programmed. When it has finished programming, the following
message will appear:

Flash EPROM Program Successful. Press Any Key to Reboot.

You have successfully programmed the new BIOS.

Thanks for any help

Fandango :(
BIOS Bodhisattva
Posts: 3145
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 10:34 am
Location: Thames Valley, UK

microstar almost wrote:1. Create a bootable diskette and copy the Amifl814.exe and A619c313.rom files to it. Verify the files by copying them back off the diskette.

2. Delete any Config.sys or autoexec.bat file and boot from this diskette.

3. Then, run the AMI FLASH UTILITY file.

A:\>Amifl814 A619c313.rom

The programming screen will be shown. At the bottom of the screen, the
following message will appear:

Press "Y" to Continue, "N" to Reboot

Press "N" if you do not want to continue programming the new BIOS.

Press "Y" if you want to continue programming the new BIOS. The new BIOS
will then be programmed. When it has finished programming, the following
message will appear:

Flash EPROM Program Successful. Press Any Key to Reboot.

You have successfully programmed the new BIOS.
Hope that helps.
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