The MoBo is a MicroStar MS6156 ver 1.0 BX7 using AMIBios (American Megatrends Inc) BX
(Note: this is NOT a ZX MoBo & it does NOT have AWARD Bios)
On start up (with the P2-400) the screen comes up with : - A6156 01 V2.2B3 020999in the top left and then a long string of digits 61-0209-001169-00111111-071595-440BX-1440B000-H. along the bottom.
The current CPU PII 400 has on it 400/512/100/2.0v S1 then 19080572-0181
The PIII 650 I would like to put in it has 650/256/100/1.65v S1 then 00130214-0159
The PC manufacturer is Tiny Computers.
I have tried to contact MSI directly,but as yet have had no responce, & the only BIOS upgrades I can find are for AWARD BIOS, My PC has an AMI BIOS.

Can anyone help me as I would like to upgrade with the CPU I already have & at present I do not want to go down the route of ob