Gigabyte BX-C and Tulatin

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the Intel Tulatin CPUs won't work in my BX-C, but is there a way to modify the BIOS so that the Tulatin works (after modifying it of course).
The UniFlasher
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Do you have the latest BIOS?
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Do you have the latest Bios and a Tualatin compatible Adapter card ?
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yep. But I don't have a Tulatin yet. PowerLeap has stated that Tulatin won't work on my board with the latest BIOS. I either want to upgrade with a normal CuMine Celeron or if possible with a Tulatin Celeron. But I won't be able to return the CPU after testing on my board... so if someone could modify the BIOS it would be great... or else I would need to get the slower CPU :(
The UniFlasher
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Try asking at PowerLeap or GigaByte tech support if the latest BIOS supports Tualatin CPUs. Tualatin can work in older board without the expensive PowerLeap adapter - you just need to cut some pins and connect some other. The only requirements are voltage regulator capable of doing voltages around 1.5V and BIOS that will not hang when Tualatin CPU is installed.
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Voltage is no problem because of the Slot 1 Adapter from Abit I use. I was not really thinking of the PowerLeap adapter but of this CPU mod. But according to PowerLeap "The board was tested with both F4 and F3 versions, sorry to say. It hangs after POST but before Windows starts." Asking Gigabyte... well, I can try, but I doubt if they will do anything.
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The Board has to be capable of supplying the 1.5V - these adapters only tell the Mainboard what VCore they want and the board has to deliver them .

What is your Board revision ?
From PCB 2.x your board should be capable of delivering 1.5V - older ones may deliver 1.5V from PCB 1.7 but most of them have 1.8V as minimum .
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ah, thx. IIRC its 1.9. 1.8V is indeed a bit too much for the Tulatin, uh? :roll:
The UniFlasher
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1.9V will fry it very soon, 1.8V probably after some more time - absolute maximum is 1.75V according to Intel.
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I meant the PCB. PCB Ver. 1.9.
The UniFlasher
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Oh yes :) My Asus P2B rev.1.10 can do 1.8V min. too. However, I have Celeron Tualatin 1.1GHz ready on my table. It looks to be very good piece - running at 1463MHz on Mercury/Kobian KOB630E FSFx board (SiS630E chipset) with small Pentium cooler (the Intel heatsink does not fit on that board) at 1.45V (default is 1.475V!) I'm sure that it will do 150MHz FSB at 1.8V but the question is how long...
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