P5S-VM Crossflash

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I've an Asus P5S-VM (SIS 530 / 5595) which is a HP OEM board. I was wondering whether I could crossflash it to a regular P5S-VM BIOS (ver 1006) to run my K6-2+/570 CPU ?
The BIOS Patcher
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roffle, are you using a HP Pavillion 6640C? If so, then the answer is Yes!
I have reports from several HP 6640C users indicating that the Award P5S-VM Rev 1006 BIOS from Asus works flawlessly on their machine and already increases performance by 5-10% with the original CPU installed!
And with my patched version of this BIOS, one HP 6640C user is running a K6-III+/500 overclocked to 600MHz on 2.1V Vcore without any problems.

But there is a snag!
Because the Asus OEM P5S-VM board in the HP Pavillion 6640C has a Phoenix BIOS now, you will be unable to flash an Asus BIOS. It seems the
Phoenix BIOS has some unknown locking mechanism on the flash chip that doesn't allow to flash any other BIOS then a Phoenix BIOS.
Several flash programs, including Uniflash, were tried to no avail.
So you will need to use an (E)EPROM programmer, or order another flash chip (the Winbond W29C020 is a good replacement) with the P5S-VM Award BIOS in it.
This can be either the original Asus BIOS or my patched 1006vmj1 version.
A good place is http://www.badflash.com. Badflash knowns my BIOS and can send you a replacement flash chip with the 1006vmj1 BIOS already programmed in it.

You can download the patched 1006vmj1 BIOS from my k6plus page. The link is in my signature below.

Good luck with the upgrade!
The Unofficial AMD K6-2+ / K6-III+ page
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Hi Jan... yeah i've known about your unofficial K6-2 page for quite some time, it's great, and thanks for all your work with collecting and modding the BIOS's.
I actually tried uniflash with your patched BIOS, before your reply, and yeah, uniflash doesn't recognise the phoenix BIOS :/
I've actually acquired another Board which seems brilliant - Biostar M5SAA... there are two variants of this board though, 1) 4x PCI, 2x ISA. 2) 3x PCI, 1x ISA. I believe that the BIOS's for each variant aren't compatible, after some research, different super I/O chips are used and maybe other components. Your page lists the saa0727f BIOS, but mine ends with 'b'. After some searching, I found an FTP hosting my particular BIOS, and another updated one, both ending in 'b'... then I found the saa0727b which seems identical to the saa0727f, i'm running my cute K6-2+/570 @ 600, runs great.
I had considered gettinh a new BIOS from badflash, but I could probably find a non-OEM P5S-VM second hand for cheaper than the shipped cost of a new CMOS chip from badflash.

P.S. you might want to add saa0727b to your site, and make the distinction between the mATX and ATX variants. It's available from http://members.driverguide.com/driver/d ... rid=180956
Also it supports upto 128GB HDD :) :) :)
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I got the HP version of this board (osprey V2.02, bios version V1.10) recently and came across this post when I was trying for the same purpose. It turned out the HP flash program can write asus bios into the chip and the new bios works just fine. For details download osp110.exe from HP and extract everything to a bootable DOS disk, and just replace original bios.rom with 1006vmj1.bin. Note that phlash.exe doesn't work with MSDOS derived from WinME but it does work with FreeDOS boot drive created by rufus.
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