And my bios is really old and outdated too! It says that my bios is like from 2004. And that's not good at all. And I do not even have a hyperthreading technology option in my bios to enable or disable it. Now that is really bad! I am so upset with this. But I looked up my computer online which was Dell Dimension 4600, and it said it came with hyperthreading technology support. So why can't I get the second Cpu graph to show up in my Task Manager for? Because I only have one 1 cpu graph. And I really want 2 cpu graphs! So please help me out here on this awful situation that I am in, and please guide me through this so that I can enable my hyperthreading and install my second cpu. Because I looked up my computer and it said that is has hyperthreading technology. So I am really sure that is correct. I am so upset and frustrated about this. So what should I really put into my bootloader? So just explain to me on what to put into my bootloader so that I can finally see 2 Cpu graphs in my Task Manager. Then I will be much happier, that's for sure.

Now, last but not least, I have no idea on how to flash my bios at all. I have a Dell Dimension 4600 with Windows XP Professional and Service Pack 2. And I have like no idea on how to flash my bios. I really have not the slightest clue on how to do it. So please help me out here on this problem that I am having. Because I really need a new bios because my bios is really old and my bios date is from 8/26/04, I believe. And that is just way to outdated for me which is not good. Also, I tried to go from my ACPI Uniprocessor to Multiprocessor but that did not do a thing to help. Like in my Task Manager it just shows 1 Cpu graph which is not good at all. I mean it should show at least 2 Cpu graphs. So I want to know why my Cpu graph is still showing 1 graph. Oh well. But when I update my computer driver to ACPI Multiprocessor, it should show at least 2 graphs! I mean something is not going right here. That is why probably because my bios needs to be flashed and upgraded to a different one, that's for sure. And also, I do not even have a hyperthreading option in my bios. Man, my bios is really old and not good. But what I am thinking is that when I change to Multiprocessor and enable my hyperthreading, I will see 2 Pentium 4 processors listed in my Device Manager. That would be cool. And I really want my upgraded bios as soon as possible! So I will be waiting for my response back from you very soon! I broke up my letter here in paragraphs so that it is much easier for you to understand and read it better. Sorry about the long letter, but I am trying to make a point here.