P3-Tualatin on Compaq iPaq-Desktop-PC

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I own a Compaq iPaq PC (V2.0) with an P3-1GHz and the latest Bios.
I wanted to try a P3-Tualatin Core, but the BIOS keeps me telling Microcode-Error.

I guess, my Bios is just to old. Is there any possibility to include a never Microcode in my BIOS?
This is a Compaq-ROM. I don't know how to extract it with tools like cbrom. The do not recognize it.

Any ideas?
The Hardware Archivist
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The Tualatin has revised electrical and signalling requirements which prevent it from being run in older boards like the early i810E, i815, i815E and i815EP chipset boards. It uses a new VRM specification (VRM8.5) which dictates the ability to supply voltage in 0.025V increments. The Tualatin also needs AGTL (1.25V) bus signalling as opposed to the AGTL+ (1.5V) bus signalling that the Coppermine/Katmai/Deschutes/Klamath PIII and PII processors use.

Intel specifically engineered the Tualatin to be incompatible with the older chipsets, for commercial reasons.
your board is electricaly incompatible with this processor. A bios patch will NOT solve this.

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Are there any "voltage" adapters maybe?
The Hardware Archivist
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What is the exact model number of your system? What bios do you have?

If you can find an UpgradeWare 370GU? That one was reported as being compatible with the iPAQ legacy-free Desktop. I think this means the model with no PS/2 connectors. But to make sure, I need the above information
http://web.archive.org/web/200801241113 ... bility.htm

Still, your bios will complain about the microcode. If you want to have that one solved, you'll need a commercial bios upgrade from esupport.com or similar.

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currently, there is a P3-1GHz build in. Its Coppermine based.
Where can I find the model number? There seems to be none..
Its the latest iPaq with 1GHz P3, 512MB Memory, 40GB HDD.

Latest Bios 686P7 1.11 is flashed.

What do you mean with esupport.com? The got never bios files than HP/Compaq has?
The Hardware Archivist
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686P7 v1.11 was the information I needed.

esupport.com is writing custom bioses with patches/enhancements for stuff Compaq never released. Pricing is between $30/$60 depending on what you want fixed/added.

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According to their Support, the aren't doing this anymore :(
The Hardware Archivist
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If they don't have your model in the list then I think it's lights out for this one. Sorry :(

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