BH6 Quirk
I sure hope this is the right forum. My Abit BH6 board has been acting strange lately. Anytime I go into the BIOS and whether I make changes or not, upon exiting the monitor shuts down to Standby and the HD LED stays on. Pressing Reset does nothing, only holding the Power button in for 4 seconds will it Shutdown and then I can restart and everything is fine. I have Flashed to the latest BIOS (SP) and even gone back to the original (QM) and it still does the same thing. I've cleared CMOS and disabled PM and checked the Battery all to no avail. Everything works fine and the system is not OC'd. When writing the Flash I did notice the second progress bar showing a green "Not Updated" sector near the end. Does that sound normal? Perhaps there is a section of BIOS that doesn't get updated for a reason? All in all the board works fine except for this little quirk. Thanks. 

The not-updated portion is usually the bootblock. This usually doesn't require updating.
You might have a problem with your BIOS chip, though, just as you suspect. Try to replace it with an identical one, if possible, and you might have to resort to hotswapping (FAQ).
You might have a problem with your BIOS chip, though, just as you suspect. Try to replace it with an identical one, if possible, and you might have to resort to hotswapping (FAQ).
That's exactly what I was thinking Re: blocked portion. Do chips get flaky like that? I suspect it isn't Video card related as it only happens before the O/S takes over. I wonder how good Abit is about sending out chips? I did read somewhere else that they sent one out for the cost of shipping. Thanks again.
I have a BH6 Ver 1.0.... latest bios is SS and the Version 1.1 is SP. So, check to see which version you have. I beleive the version number is printed on the motherboard between the PCI/ISA slots. There have been reports of weird happenings when the wrong ver of the bios is installed. Many have tried the 1.1 on the 1.0 systems... so work some don't. Mine is rock solid from day 1.
Try reseating cards, memory, cables, bios chip etc. I had video problem with the first video card I installed. I actually had to clean the contacts with and eraser and wipe it down with contact cleaner to get it to work. I think there was some of the board clear coating on the AGP contacts. Be careful with the contact cleaner as it will atttack the protective coating of the board in a non second.
Try reseating cards, memory, cables, bios chip etc. I had video problem with the first video card I installed. I actually had to clean the contacts with and eraser and wipe it down with contact cleaner to get it to work. I think there was some of the board clear coating on the AGP contacts. Be careful with the contact cleaner as it will atttack the protective coating of the board in a non second.
Last edited by a_user on Sat Apr 13, 2002 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Please use the Fourms for Bios Questions
and not my Email
Flashing is risky in any form!
and not my Email
Flashing is risky in any form!
Yeah I do know about the version thing. Mine is ver.1.2 which was flashed to QM about 2yrs ago to correct a PM problem which it did. Everything was/is working fine until a month or two ago. I flashed to SP lastnight thinking that the old flash was acting up somehow. It didn't help so I went back to QM and the problem remains. I did find out about the Bootblock on the Abit site so that clears that up. It seems everytime I visit Abit they change the layout. Oh well at least it's up, seems at times in the past it was always down.
I will look into reseating things. Thanks.