40GB: 10/08/97-i430HX-8669C-2A59FC39C-00 (Chaintech 5IFM1)

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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I wanted to use this board as a linux route/download maschine.
120Gb Patch would be best for downloading, but at the moment i'd be very grateful for anything you could give me.

Chaintech 5IFM1
BIOS Date: 10/08/97
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 10/08/97-i430HX-8669C-2A59FC39C-00
BIOS Eval: 10/08/1997

This is the last version on the chaintech support site:

Mfg Syntax :D
BIOS Bodhisattva
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Patched.... will email shortly. Please let us know results.
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Thanks for your fast reply!

The update went fine.
All my HDs were recognized at once. I've also tried several drives from 20-120Gigs, all worked perfectly.
I didn't even have to reduce the transfer rates.
Maxtor and IBM diagnostics show good results (for such an old machine).
Just one problem showed up, the Award Flasher v.5.35(provided by chaintech support site) didn't work!. I had to use v.6.x.

Thanks again for your help!

BIOS Eval: 10/08/1997 patched for 128GB HDD by Wim's BIOS team <- Rulez :wink:

Mfg Syntax
BIOS Bodhisattva
Posts: 3145
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 10:34 am
Location: Thames Valley, UK

Thanks for the feedback ! Another one we can add to the list :)
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