Thnx for the fast reply!
On your site the
Abit list says it's an PR5 R3... so I wasn't sure that a R2 or even R1 bios would work.
And I checked what RAM I was speaking about. It's EDO-SIMMs, but the original bios really didn't detect
it in a right way and in several newsgroups people were discussing that problem without any solution.
I'll try to clear the CMOS and if it doesn't help flash one of those BIOS' mentioned above. I'll keep you
updated about the RAM-issue.
Edit: I already flashed the latest BIOS from the ones above, the RAM detection still fails, it only recognizes
32 MB instead 128 MB (which is the highest supported value) and my 40GB HD ain't detected either. An old
1,2GB HD was fine. Now I'm gonna check the 40Gig one on another machine in case it's smashed.
Is there a possible workaround for the RAM-issue from your side. What you mean?