Bios Date 11/23/1997
Bios Type - Award Modular Bios v4.51PG
Bios ID - 11/23/1997-i440lx-2a69jq1dc
Bios Eval - Legend-V Bios V1.1SL 11/24/97
Chipset Intel 440EX/LX rev 3
Ok ,Same problem as every one else I guess,Cant seem to find an upgrade Anywhere,
I Have used Disk manager 2000 which puts Dynamic Drive Overlay and sees the full 60 gb but when i use NGhost to copy my original HD to my new 60 GB hd it only uses 32GB,even in win2k disk manager it shows 32gb and no more
I was wondering if flashing the bios with the new 60 gb installed ( showing only 32gb) would let win2k see the rest of the hd for me to patition and format,
If so where could i get the flasher from
many thanks in advance
60GB 11/23/1997-i440lx-2a69jq1dc
QDI LegenX 5 board. The latest BIOS is "10/26/2000-i440LX-W309-2A69JQ1DC-00" ("P6I440LX Legend V BIOS V3.0SLB Oct.26,2000") at ... It supports HDDs up to 128GB. You will need to remove the drive overlay software and repartition&reformat the drive.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere