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BIOS Date: 09/22/98
BIOS Signon: 09/22/98-i430VX-8663-2A59GG0BC-00
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Super I/O: UMC 8663B rev 0 found at port 108h
Chipset: Intel Triton 430VX rev 2
OEM Signon: (Rel 1.1) BIOS Upgrade Provided by Unicore Software
With the cylinder limitation jumper unset, the BIOS hung during auto-detection, as expected for the Award 4.51PG BIOS. I tried applying the "hack" found at this site to my BIOS:
Specifically, I replaced the following bytes:
26 66 83 7d 78 ff 74 1a 26 81 7d 7a f0 0f 77 12
26 81 7d 7a f0 03 72 02 b2 ff 90 90 90 90 90 90
At first the patch seemed to work; the HD was detected as ~60 GB, 7476 Cyls, 255 heads, 63 Sectors/Cyl (LBA mode). However, PartionMagic and DiskEdit reported 29437 Cyls, 16 Heads, 255 Sectors/Cyl. As a result, I was able to create partitions initially, but was unable to subsequently modify them after creation using PartionMagic (due to a too-large cylinder number in the partition table); furthermore, Fdisk would report the drive's size incorrectly. Even stranger, the drive partition table would report my 60 GB drive as a 2 GB drive with some strange CHS parameters that I'd never seen before, although it would auto-detect properly! No matter how many times I auto-detected, the info in the drive table would revert to those weird numbers. These incorrect parameters would only show up when I had one or more partitions on the drive. Once I deleted the partition(s), the drive info went back to normal.
I hope I haven't given you way too much info. I appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks!