I have a problem, I bought about 2 years ago a computer with a "CREATE BXE-ATX" mainboard it has a AMI BIOS and a pentium III 500Mhz processor.
My hard disc was failed and i need to buy a new hd, but i do not know if the mainboard supports a hd with 80 gb of capacity.
Please can you say me what is the maximum capacity the mainboard supports.
I try installing a Hard disk Maxtor 40080k4 model with 80 gb and the BIOS does not recognize it, i put it in AUTO and when it is the first boot the BIOS delays 5 seconds recognizing hard disc and then all is OK, but some people said me:
the CHIP BIOS will burn if i use a hd with more of 60 gb. is it true?
My bios is AMI; when I turn on computer it writes at the botton of the monitor:
Create Bxe-ATX ver 1.10 (000131) 61-0421-008031-00111111-071595-440BX-CRBX021-H.
I found a update for this bios in Zida homepage:
http://www.vctboard.com/eng/dwnld/bios.htm#piiislot1 but I read in other forums people that has updated with that fiel and it fails.
In zida homepage, they said that my mainboard support MORE THAN 32 GB. but they do not say what is tha maximum capacity the mainboard supports
I do not know if my mainboard can work with a Seagate hard disk or a Western Digital hard disk, do they have other technology diferent of Maxtor?. I hear Seagate can not work with discontinued mainboards
Thanks for your answer