Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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I have a problem with my BIOS I think

Motherboard Soyo K7ADA ,award bios

The problem is ,when I boot up my PC ,I get the BIOS checksum error ,etc....................

Please insert a system disk in drive A and press enter.

The trouble is ,no matter what disk I put in the drive the system just re-boots every 10 seconds ,even with the BIOS flash disk.

What's happening ,it's driving me crazy ,PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

The UniFlasher
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Maybe also bad CPU or bad CPU cooling or bad memory.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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I always kept a check on CPU temp ,and it never got above 54 degrees ,no way of checking the memory as I don't know anyone with a DDR board ,and it's an expensive test to buy some more ram.

Something I forgot to mention (and the most important) ,everything was fine until I tried to install a pci / scsi card in the Motherboard ,all I got was a black screen with a flashing cursor in the bottom left corner ,I took out the card ,re-booted and the problem started.

Looking down the posts ,I see the mention of a similar problem ,and of trying a 720k boot disk ,maybe I should try this?.

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Tried the 720k boot disk ,no joy.

If I could find someone with the same BIOS chip ,could hot swapping the BIOS chips work?

I am really running out of ideas.

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