486 bios

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Can you still update this bios. I can't find an update anywhere.


UM486 V1.4 03-24-92

Please Help. I need to install a CD ROM Drive, but it doesn't reconisge it.
I am Running Windows 95B and it will detect that there is a CD ROM, but it won't read any discs.
The UniFlasher
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CD-ROM works without any support from BIOS. It's detected by newer BIOSes to allow CD-ROM booting. If the drive does not work, make sure that it's OK (check on another machine).
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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I have already tried that option and it works fine. I have also tried to put a newer CD ROM in the 486 but it says "Windows Protection Error. Please Reboot your system" in DOS and just keeps going in a "Loop."

Also if this is any help, Sometimes it displays its proper ID in the device properties, as "Mitsumi CR-4804TE" and it will dectect every CD as an audio disc, but most of the time it displys a whole heap of other characters such as "MÜÿsT þýõ $"
The UniFlasher
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Maybe you have some IDE controller problems.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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The Hardware Archivist
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Flakey power supply or the IDE cable is too long/bad. Try a shorter known good cable and/or a known good power supply.
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