Bios Backup *.bin or *.rom format

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Anisur Rahman
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I need the Backup of Original Working BIOS in *.bin or *.rom format.

My motherboard is : ASUS SP97_V
BIOS : 10/03/97-SiS-5598-<SP97_V>C-00

To update my BIOS I downloaded the following files

sp97v0103.awd, sp97v0106.awd, sp97v0108.awd, 0109v.005

I started updating using flash.exe. At first I use sp97v0103.awd then
sp97v0106.awd, my computer was OK. Then I tried to use sp97v0108.awd,
floppy disk might damage and did not work properly. I had nothing to do except re-start and suddenly I found my computer is not working. Nothing displayed on the monitor.

I then use a PCI graphics card and found display and the following on the screen:

Award BootBlock Bios V1.0
Copyright (C) 1995, Award Software, Inc

BIOS ROM Checksum error

Detecting floppy drive A media ....

I then insert system disk to drive and press enter - then it shown:

Drive media is: 1.44Mb
Starting Windows 98

Computer starting from Floppy Drive, I cannot do anything except floppy even I cannot go to BIOS Setup.

Then I have downloaded awdflash.exe it also does not work and immediately shows ERROR! Can't Find System BIOS' Hook

I have downloaded UniFlash. It shows that the BIOS ID is UNKNOWN I tried to force flash but verification error.

How can I solve my problem? Please Help!!!!!

Anisur Rahman
BIOS Bodhisattva
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It sounds as though the main BIOS has been erased, so you will get no ID from it, hence ID mismatch. If the bootblock still allows you to boot the diskette, I would try Uniflash with the -E option (no intervention) . Did you try this or -FORCE ? Use the last BIOS you used which worked. The extension .awd doesn't matter, you can rename it to .bin.
Anisur Rahman
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Posts: 2
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I tried with UniFlash 1.32 with several switches like -E -Force - Repair.

My BIOS ID is SST 29EE010 so I used code BF07 with -Force switch.

Uniflash cannot write the BIOS. In the writing fase the progression indicator colour striped with Green and Red and at varification it fails.

I have used all BIOS update .bin, .awd which I found in the Net or Asus Site. I did not find any BIOS ROM file.
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