I bought a Powerleap "PL-iP3/T" upgrade kit, and a 1200Mhz cpu.
However, when I installed the new cpu the screen went blank.
This problem was mentioned in the manual and the solution was
to flash bios... Tried with asus' "aflash.exe" but got the message:
"flash memory: unknown". So I contacted asus and they suggested
I'd try an older flasher("pflash2.exe"), as aflash might not work with
older ROM's. So I tried with pflash2.exe and got pretty much the
same message .(memory type: unknown). Now I've found out that
my motherboard is a fake one...
I ran "bios agent" and it said:
BIOS ID: <<P2B>>
BIOS DATE: 10/09/98
BIOS Signon: 10/09/98-i440BX-<<P2B>>-00
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Super I/O: Winbond 977TF rev 0 found at port 3F0h
Chipset: Intel 440BX/ZX rev 3
OEM Signon: ASUS P2B ACPI BIOS Revision 1006
I don't know much about bios flashing, except what I've read
on wimsbios the past couple of days, and desperately need some help...

*Is my bios writable/flushable?
*Where do I get a new one if it's not?
(I live in Norway, and can't think of any suppliers...)
Thanks in advance... Leif W. Husdal