Changing Bios Identifiers?
Hey I have been a tech at both Best Buy and CompUSA and we could in the past take an harddrive from one machine ( Brand ) and replace it in another ( brand) but now HP has come up with a bios identifier that when the factory harddrive boots it searches the bios's dmi and id's it then starts the boot sequence. If you move the hd to another brand pc, the pc will start to boot and all you will see is a blinking underscore in the top left of your monitor and stall. I was wondering is there a way to reprogram the bios indentifier? If you don't understand what Im talking about look at this web site.
then look under the section intitled:
Bios Lock & SLP / WPA
I think all mfg. are starting to use something like this so in order to swap hd's from one pc to another the bios identifier will have to changed or is there another method?
Changing Bios Identifiers?
Looks like some identification is stored in DMI and also on HDD. "section of the hard drive which is protected against formatting and partitioning" - that looks like Host Protected Area - a function that newer drives have. It can be unprotected and changed, of course. The DMI information can be changed too - using some DMI utility.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
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