I have a few problems with this board:
Sometimes there's no signal from the board, no beep or screen output, sometimes I can see the POST-Screen, but after that the Message
System Halted
appears. I only got to the DOS-Prompt a few times.
First I thought it was the RAM, but today I checked another DIMM (Kingmax) and it didn't work, too.
The CPU is a Celereon 466 in an MSI Slotket. (Should work on this Board, and also tested in another board. P2 300 was also not working). Latest BIOS is flashed.
http://support.intel.com/support/mother ... p/SR440BX/
Intel SR440BX Problems
NO ROM BASIC means that there's no operating system on HDD (no partition set active or no MBR). FDISK the HDD (and do FDISK /MBR too), format the partition(s) and install OS.
BTW.: I last saw this error on old 486 boards with AMI Hi-Flex BIOS. Newer boards (BIOSes) usually have better (more intelligent) error reporting.
BTW.: I last saw this error on old 486 boards with AMI Hi-Flex BIOS. Newer boards (BIOSes) usually have better (more intelligent) error reporting.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere