USB support for an old PC - Can you help me ?

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I had an old PC that supports (on paper only) USB.
No USB port is present on the case, I found a passive connector that connect to motherboard and takes USB ports outsides. BIOS has capability to enable or disable USB and Windows 98 (second edition) recognize USB onboard controller and HUB when it is enabled in BIOS.
The problem is that when all of my USB device was connected no new hardware was detected by Windows and device doesn't work.
I suppose that my motherboard is one of the first with USB and it was not yet perfectly working with the BIOS release I have. In particular, the first pin on the motherboard has not the 5V on it.
Can anyone tell me if by his/her experience it really is a BIOS problem ?
The id string of my motherboard is:


and BIOS string in top of screen is:

KM-V5-VPX-Rev 2.6

Thanks for attention.
The UniFlasher
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If the option for enabling the USB is present in the BIOS, the USB should work. Maybe the pinout of the connector on the board is not the same as the cable you used.
The board is Jamicon/Kaimei KM-V5-VPX
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
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Thanks for Help,
I tested all the pin (only 4) of the motherboard USB connector and no voltage was present in any pin, but you gave me an idea, I will test
the Voltage when Windows is loaded, may be it is activated by Windows.
I knew the motherboard manufaturer, but I was not able to find out any technical information or pin layout on the net, do you have any suggestion for this search ??
The UniFlasher
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If the 5V is not on any of the pins, there may be blown fuse somewhere on the board.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
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