I Cant' Locate A Suitable Bios Update ! :-(

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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HI. I recently purchased a Maxtor 80 GB Hard Drive. When I installed this drive, my system hung and refused to accept/see the hard drive.

I have a MSI 5156 Motherboard and I have tried to find a suitable update to flash the motherboard but without success. I have tried installing a seperate Hard Drive card to connect the hard drive to, but on boot up all I get is a screen full of pretty colours and a system shutdown. My bios details are below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks!! W

Computer I.D : FC Subtype: 02, Bios Level: 116
P3 Athlon
Micro Star : 5156 V.1
The UniFlasher
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wsmorrisuk wrote:P3 Athlon
Micro Star : 5156 V.1
:!: :?:
Do you really know what board do you have? MSI MS-5156 is Socket 7 board (Pentium, Pentium MMX, Cyrix 6x86, AMD K6, K6-2). And what is "P3 Athlon"?
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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The Hardware Archivist
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That is three or four different platforms...

Socket 7 -> MS-5156
Slot 1/Socket 370 -> P3
Socket A -> Athlon

One hell of a confusing post.

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