80Gb: 06/11/98-i430TX-V09BB5IB-2A59IL1CC-00(LuckyStar 5i-tx2

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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I need BIOS upgrade for
Lucky Star 5i-tx2 i430TX-2A59IL1CC-00 for 80 Gb

Current Version supply only 64 Gb:

BIOS Date: 06/11/98
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 06/11/1998-i430TX-2A59IL1CC-00
OEM Sign-On: P54/P55C O2-006s64 AT/ATX (up 64Gb by scc.nm.ru)
Chipset: Intel Triton 430TX rev 1
Superio: ITE 8679 or 8680 rev 0 found at port 279h

The latest upgrade (o26s64.bin) was downloaded at
http://scc.nm.ru/bios/32gb+/lucky_star_ ... 1_5i-tx2a/

The last official is placed here:
(5I-TX2A - i430TX - 2A59IL1CC-00 - 06/11/98: O2-006.bin)

If someone can send me the patched bios for large HDD support I'd appreciate it.
Best regards, Albert
BIOS Bodhisattva
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Location: Thames Valley, UK

I have patched the TX-1 BIOS you list using AWD64GB and it should be at the "untested" link in my signature.
Lucky Star 5I-TX1 BIOS patched for 128 Gb HDD
BIOS ID string: 06/11/1998-i430TX-2A59IL1CC-00
New BIOS OEM string: P54/P55C 98/7/16 O2-006 AT/ATX patched for 128 Gb HDD

If that does not work we could try patching with bp.
Tested patched BIOSes. Untested patched BIOSes.
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